I’m a sceptical believer. That is to say, I 100% believe in ghosts and all things paranormal — but I’m going to look for the logical solution first before I shout, “Ghost!” Orbs in your photo? It’s more likely to be dust or a bug. Strange, white mist or beam of light in the shot?Read More
In the Days After.
In the Days Before is finally here! It released on Wednesday, and I could not be happier to finally have it out in the world – out of my hands, no more work to be done on it, finished. When I released Lost, I was nervous. How could I not be? It was my debut, my firstRead More
REVIEW: “You’re So Dead to Me” by Steffanie Holmes.
What do you do when three hot, possessive ghosts want to jump your bones? I’m Bree, and I see dead people. Not all dead people. Only those with unfinished business. They’re everywhere – I’ll be eating my breakfast and a poisoned heiress glares over my Cheerios, and I can’t even enjoy the wilderness without beingRead More
Life After Lost.
It’s been almost two months now that my debut novel Lost has been out in the world, and I’ve been pretty quiet on social media. Part of that is because I’m busy with everyday life, and part of it is because there isn’t a whole lot going on that’s worthy of posting to my socials.Read More